The SBA is a great way to help local, small businesses grow.
Minority-owned construction company benefits from SBA program
It has been a big year for JCP Construction. The minority-owned business started by brothers James, Clifton and Jalin Phelps moved into a new building at the end of November and was named Subcontractor of the Year by The Daily Reporter as part of its 2015 Newsmakers of the Year awards. The Daily Reporter covers Wisconsin’s construction and design industry.
A little more than a year ago, JCP began work on its largest project, the Northwestern Mutual Tower at 720 E. Wisconsin Ave., where it is the prime contractor for waterproofing. The company also is working on the drywall and framing of the building.
Jalin graduated in October from the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Emerging Leaders Initiative. The 26-week course helps participants develop a three-year growth plan for their businesses. The course is composed of classroom sessions taught by Gene Wright, director and lecturer of graduate management programs at Milwaukee School of Engineering, guest lectures and peer group meetings, where participants network and discuss plans.
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